Best practices to encourage linguistic security in the hybrid workplace

Setting a good example

  1. Actively use both English and French when addressing employees, in person and online.
  2. Share challenges and experiences you had when learning your second official language. Acknowledge the extra effort that it can take to learn and maintain language skills, especially when working remotely.

Acquiring and maintaining language skills

  1. Provide access to language training. This includes ensuring budget availability, a manageable workload and opportunities both in person and online to meet individual needs and preferences.
  2. Create opportunities for employees to use their second official language at work, in both formal and informal settings. These might be in-person or online discussion groups or even “buddy system” pairings that connect first- and second-language speakers.
  3. Encourage second-language learners to ask their colleagues to help them practise, whether in person or online (e.g., by using a bilingual Teams background).

Fostering an inclusive environment for all

  1. Invite employees to list their official languages on their online identifiers (email and chat profiles, signature blocks) to indicate their openness to communicate in either official language, and encourage staff to actively ask which language their colleagues might prefer to use.
  2. Normalize bilingual conversations! Colleagues can feel free to speak to each other in their first official languages, where appropriate. Let people know that many colleagues can understand both languages, even if they speak only one.
  3. Encourage employees to write or converse in the lesser-used official language in the hybrid workplace, regardless of whether it’s their first or second official language.
  4. Raise awareness among your employees that many of their colleagues may want to use the lesser-used official language at work, regardless of whether it’s their first or second official language.
  5. Normalize mistakes as part of the learning process. Discourage employees from commenting on a colleague’s imperfect English or French or switching to the person’s first official language if they’re trying to practise their language skills.

For more information, please see our study on 2021 study and our 2023 follow-up study on linguistic (in)security at work.


Opens on a bright yellow background.

Text: Here are our 10 best practices for promoting language security in your hybrid workplace!

Transition to a yellow card labelled 1, with an illustration of a bike with speech bubbles as wheels.

Text: Actively use both English and French

Another yellow card, this one with a smaller bike.

Text: To create an inclusive work environment for official languages, actively use both English and French when addressing employees, in person and on-line.

Transition to an orange card labelled 2 with an illustration of two forks poking two speech bubbles.

Text: Acknowledge the extra effort that it can take

A second orange card, this one with forks and moving speech bubbles.

Text: Share your own challenges and experiences. Acknowledge the extra effort that it can take to learn and maintain language skills, especially when working remotely!

Transition to a teal card labelled 3 with an illustration of a lock and key.

Text: Provide access to second language training

A second teal card, this one with a smaller lock and key illustration.

Text: Ensure budget availability, a manageable workload and opportunities, both in person and on-line, to meet individual needs and preferences.

Transition to a light purple card labelled 4 with speech bubbles connected in a circuit pattern.

Text: Create opportunities for employees

A second light purple card, this one with just one line and speech bubble.

Text: There are many ways to feel more comfortable using your second official language at work. Here are a few ideas: in person or on line discussion groups or even a buddy system, pairing first language and second language speakers!

Transition to a light blue card labeled 5 with an image of a hand reaching out to another inside a speech bubble.

Text: Encourage learners to ask their colleagues for help

A second light blue card, this one with the icon of hands now moving slowly upward.

Text: Encourage learners to ask their colleagues to help them practise, both in person and on‑line.

Transition to a green card labelled 6 with two hand cursor icons clicking on speech bubbles with “EN” and “FR” written inside.

Text: Invite employees to display their language proficiency on their identifiers

A second green card, this one with a hand cursor wiggling at the bottom.

Text: How do you spot language preferences in on‑line discussion groups? By displaying your language proficiency in your identifiers, of course! Opt for the simple (EN/FR) next to your name, for example.

Transition to a bright pink card labelled 7 with spinning conversation bubbles encircled by arrows.

Text: Normalize bilingual conversations

A second bright pink card, this one with moving music notes.

Text: Music to our ears: Conversations in which colleagues speak to each other in their first official language. Many colleagues can understand both languages, even if they speak only one!

Transition to an orange card labelled 8 on which there is a big speech bubble over a smaller one, but only the smallest one bears a checkmark.

Text: Encourage employees to write or converse in the lesser used official language

A second orange card, this one with a dancing robot.

Text: Shake things up! Regardless of whether it’s their first or second official language, encourage employees to write or converse in the lesser-used official language.

Transition to a bright chartreuse card labelled 9 with an illustration of a beating heart in the middle of two interconnected speech bubbles.

Text: Raise awareness among your employees

A second bright chartreuse card, this one with simple white beating hearts.

Text: Raise awareness among your employees that many of their colleagues may want to use the lesser used official language at work, regardless of whether it’s their first or second official language.

Transition to a cark pink card labelled 10 featuring two speech bubbles, with one resembling a paint splatter.

Text: Normalize mistakes as part of the learning process

A second dark pink card, this one with text surrounded by white droplets.

Text: Feeling secure means feeling free from judgement. Discourage employees from commenting on a colleague’s imperfect English or French or switching to the person’s first official language if they’re trying to practise their language skills.

Transition to a black screen with white font.

Text: By helping employees feel less self-conscious or anxious about using our official languages, we can all help create a better federal public service-

A second black screen with white font, as well as a white symbol of two hands making a high-five.

Text: one that can work, and serve Canadians, in both official languages, with ease and confidence.

Close on the coat of arms on a black background.