Tabling of the 2023–2024 annual report: Toward full implementation of the modernized Official Languages Act

For Immediate Release

News releases | Gatineau, Quebec -

Commissioner of Official Languages of Canada Raymond Théberge tabled his 2023–2024 annual report in Parliament today.

The modernization of the Official Languages Act in June 2023 marked the beginning of a new chapter not only in the history of official languages, but also in the history of the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages.

Over the past year, the Office of the Commissioner has been laying the foundations for the use of the Commissioner’s new powers under the modernized Act, as well as updating its activities and operating methods, including the content of the Commissioner’s annual report.

Full implementation of the Act is necessary to ensure that the intended changes can be realized within the new federal language policy framework.

Fortunately, things are moving forward. The federal government is developing regulations for Part VII (Advancement of Equality of Status and Use of English and French) of the Act, which will set clearer parameters for federal institutions to fully and effectively meet their obligations.

Compliance with Part VII does not, however, depend on the development of regulations. Federal institutions now have new obligations that they are required to meet immediately.

The modernized Act also requires that its provisions and operation be reviewed every 10 years to keep it in step with Canadian society as it evolves. Indicators therefore need to be developed as quickly as possible to monitor the application of the Act, track any changes in the issues at stake and propose solutions in a timely fashion.

In his annual report, the Commissioner has made two recommendations regarding the full implementation of Part VII of the Act and a comprehensive 10-year review of the legislation.

We need to keep up the momentum and build on the progress we’ve made to effect concrete, lasting changes in order to secure the future of both of our official languages across the country. I’m counting on all federal institutions to step up their efforts to meet their language obligations, including the new ones in the modernized Official Languages Act.

Raymond Théberge, Commissioner of Official Languages of Canada


  • In 2023–2024, the Commissioner of Official Languages received a total of 847 admissible complaints under the Official Languages Act.
  • Of that number:
    • 533 concerned communications with and services to the public (Part IV);
    • 227 involved language of work (Part V);
    • 9 were about the participation of English-speaking and French-speaking Canadians (Part VI);
    • 34 were related to the advancement of equality of status and use of English and French (Part VII);
    • 41 were about the language requirements of positions (Part XI, section 91); and
    • 3 concerned other parts of the Act (parts I, II and IX).
  • Recommendations made in the 2023–2024 annual report:
    1. The Commissioner recommends that by June 2026, the Minister of Canadian Heritage, with the support of the President of the Treasury Board, develop and publish indicators for reviewing the provisions and operation of the Official Languages Act in preparation for the 10-year review in 2033.
    2. The Commissioner recommends that by May 31, 2025, all deputy ministers and deputy heads in the federal public service incorporate into their strategic plan a plan for ensuring full implementation of Part VII of the Official Languages Act that draws from the Roadmap for federal institutions’ obligations under Part VII of the Official Languages Act, which he put forward to support federal institutions.

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